Eating Local on a Budget
“Farmers?? Where are you going to find any farmers?” – In the middle of the city, my friend was implying. And on the 8th day…God looked...

Museum of Appalachia Restaurant
You mean to tell me…there’s an entire museum…dedicated to us??” my friend asked incredulously. This is what I mean to tell you…there’s...

Echo - Seth & Lisa
Echo – Seth & Lisa, this inscription pops up in my email every so often, bearing the promise of some new and fabulous dinner special at...

Hidden Gem
So often guests on my food tours tell me that they get in the habit of always eating at the same places and ordering the same items, or...

Pop Up Food Tour - Guest Blog by Artist Denise Stewart Sanabria
The second event during my Exhibit "Eat Me Two" at downtown Knoxville fabricator extraordinaire Paulk & Co was masterminded by Knoxville...

A Day in the Life
“Welcome to the Knoxville Food Tours!” I exclaim, to the group of 12 guests who are gathered in front of me in the Knoxville Visitor...